Awalt High Class of 1980

Please update your classmate profile on this page.

Use the search box to find your profile, or just browse through the pages until you find it. You can update your information and/or add a picture by clicking on the "View Profile" link to the right of your name, then clicking on "If this is your profile, you can add to or amend it. Find out how …" There you may add comments and photos for your classmates to view, choose to allow your classmates to email you through this website, and adjust all your other profile settings.
If you are not listed and you would like to create a profile and/or attend the reunion, please call or email High Class Reunions.
NOTE: Once you have added your details, it may take up to 24 hours for the web organizer to authenticate your profile and send you your login info, so please be patient.


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Puyallup, WA
Santa Clara, CA
View profile »Diana Aldrich (Manuel)
Pleasanton, CA
Half Moon Bay, CA
Mountain View, CA
Pleasanton, CA
Pacifica, CA
View profile »Jacki Anderson (Neumann)
Livermore, CA
Carlsbad, CA
View profile »Julie Arenas (Milletti)
Hillsborough, CA
Los Gatos, CA
Mountain View, CA
Mountain View, CA
Mountain View, CA
Livermore, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Rafael, CA
Vail, AZ
It will be interesting to see many people that I have not had contact with for 30 years. It seems like yesterday when we graduated. I am looking forward to meeting with many people, that I spent time with, during a very formative time in my life.
San Jose, CA
Cupertino, CA