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Welcome to your
30th Year
High School Reunion!
Dear friends & classmates, it has been thirty years since we've marched together to the beat of "Pomp and Circumstance" with our future unknown. It has been ten years since many of us gathered together for our twenty year reunion. It is time to get back together again! For some, this will be the very first time since June of 1980. Here is your chance to visit one another and find out what your former classmates have been up to for the past ten, twenty and thirty years.
I want you to circle July 24th in your calendar, write it in your planner, enter it into your IPhone or Blackberry, but save the date and make every effort to come. I promise you, it will be a night to remember and a night of remembering and the beginning of more memories to come. Help me spread the word, Awalt's graduating class of 1980 will be reunited once again! Even those who attended Awalt for a short time, are welcome to join us.
Please R.S.V.P. "yes" and make it a night to remember for all of us. I'm excited to see you and look forward to having you join me for this once a decade reunion.
Your classmate & friend,
Linda Reinhardt